
Remote Work Revolution: Financial Opportunities and Challenges

In recent years, the workplace landscape has undergone a profound transformation with the widespread adoption of remote work. Remote work, also known as work-from-home, is a type of flexible working arrangement that allows an employee to work from a remote location outside of offices. This […]

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How Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain will Shape the Virtual Economy

In the rapidly developing landscape of the digital age, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have emerged as transformative forces that are reshaping the way we perceive and engage with the virtual economy. As these technologies continue to mature, their impact is becoming increasingly profound, influencing various

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The Fundraising Landscape for Bangladeshi Startups

Bangladeshi startups are suffering a steep fall in funding compared to last year. For example, by the third quarter of 2022, they raised $125 million in total, but in 2023, only $47 million has been raised so far. Out of the $47 million, $30 million

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Avoid These 5 Budget Mistakes in Your Business

It is essential for any business, ignoring its size or industry, to create and maintain a budget. A well-designed budget acts as a guide, directing financial decisions and ensuring efficient resource allocation. Despite good intentions, business owners can make common budget mistakes that can negatively

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