
Avoid These 5 Budget Mistakes in Your Business

It is essential for any business, ignoring its size or industry, to create and maintain a budget. A well-designed budget acts as a guide, directing financial decisions and ensuring efficient resource allocation. Despite good intentions, business owners can make common budget mistakes that can negatively

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Digital Bank : The Future Banking System in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, there’s a new banking concept called Digital Bank. The Bangladesh Bank has provided guidelines for banks, Financial Institutions, Fintech companies, microfinance institutions, and mobile financial service providers to collaborate and establish digital banks. These banks will be governed by the Banking Company Act

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How VC Firms Exit their Investments

VC firms invest in startups to earn profits from their investments in the future. They put startups through a rigorous screening process to identify and fund the ones with the highest growth potential. VC firms decide when to exit from their portfolio startups, either to

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